
My Favourite Vegan Cookbooks (so far)

Looking for the best vegan cookbooks? This post is all about my favourite vegan cookbooks. Or rather my favourite cookbooks. But they happen to be vegan cookbooks, as I happen to be vegan.

Well that was paused abruptly! Here we jump from Vegan MoFo Day 3 to 12! Don’t bother looking for my posts 4-11 because I pretty much forgot about MoFo until The Judgmental Vegan made a #vcnmf15 post and tagged me on instagram. Between my freelance work kicking up to my hand and wrist injury (repetitive strain), I simply forgot about it. When that post jarred my memory, the very thought of sitting and typing up several posts made my wrist throb. But this is not a post for excuses. This is a post about my FAVOURITE COOKBOOK!

It’s hard to choose a favourite. It’s like choosing a favourite food. There are so many to celebrate that I could hardly pick one. So, I’ve made a short list with titles divided by categories. Made up categories based on my personal whims.

Favourite Cookbook for Inspiration

Afro-Vegan: Farm-Fresh African, Caribbean, and Southern Flavours Remixed by Bryant Terry

sliced tomato salad

Not only is this book filled with beautiful, inventive recipes, there is a media selection for each one to set a mood. This has opened my eyes and ears to new sights and sounds that I probably wouldn’t have come across myself. I love being unexpectedly enriched in that way. I wrote and filmed a review for this book which you can jump to here.

Favourite Cookbook for Crowd-Pleasing Recipes

Chloe’s Vegan Italian Kitchen by Chloe Coscarelli

Chef Chloe Coscarelli has a reputation full flavour recipes and this cookbook delivers! Every recipe that I’ve made from this book has been fairly easy to make and delicious. The Italian dishes were familiar but at the same time, different and more exciting than what my palate was used to. To be fair, my experience with Italian cuisine is very limited. However, I feel that she has opened my eyes (and tastes) to how expansive and fresh Italian cuisine can be. I used this cookbook a lot when my friends had a baby and needed help with dinner. While one of them is the pickiest eater I know, they loved the food. I did too but I also loved how easy and inexpensive it was to make everything.

Favourite Cookbook for New Vegans

The 30 Day Vegan Challenge by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

While it’s not actually a “cookbook,” The 30 Day Vegan Challenge contains tons of recipes and meal ideas that are ideal for people new to veganism and you don’t need a lot of cooking experience and know-how to make many of the recipes. This book is a guide to going vegan, answering common questions, dispelling common misconceptions and written in a encouraging and nonjudgmental tone. While I was reading this book for the first time, I found myself wishing that I had this resource back when I was first transitioning to a vegan lifestyle. It would have made my life so much easier! Check out my full review here.

And those are my 3 favourite cookbooks at this time. There are more that I love but…the angry wrist and hand are demanding rest. Let me know what you favourite vegan cookbooks are in the comments below. If you’ve written a post about your favourite vegan cookbooks for Vegan MoFo, feel free to link it as well!

Showing 9 comments
  • Kim

    My favourite cookbook changes by the week! lol
    Right now it’s Isa Chandra Moskowitz’ Appetite for Reduction. I’m committed to losing a few pounds and these recipes are so delicious it makes it easy.
    On the same theme, Dr Neal Barnard’s Go Vegan, Get Healthy book has excellent recipes.
    For “regular” cookbooks, anything by Chef Chloe is great!!

    • Mary

      Thanks for sharing, Kim! I need to get that Isa Chandra book. OK, let’s be real. I need all her books 🙂

    • Megan

      Vegan vittles is good for basics, as well as one i found used from the 70s! But for delicious meals that impress even nonvegans, the Voluptuous Vegan is fantastic. Its also great for holidays and dinner parties.

  • Katrina

    I am another Isa Chandra fan. My favourite cookbook is Vegan with a Vengeance. I use it so much it is falling apart.
    Do you happen to have any favourite vegan Indian cookbooks? I want to try cooking Indian cuisine and am not sure where to start.

  • Anne

    One of my very favorite cookbooks is a humble little book called Supermarket Vegan by Donna Klein. There are no pictures, which is a bummer, but all the recipes use ingredients that can be found in any mainstream supermarket. I’ve tried a lot of the recipes and most have turned out great!

  • Georgia

    Also an Isa Fan here! My all time favourite is Appetite For Reduction. Everything is easy and amazing!! My copy is dog eared and disgusting!

    This year one of my favourites has been Plant-powered Families by Dreena Burton. I’ve had some real wins with my kids with this book but think its equally great for adults Who are looking for simple nutritious meals that come together easily.

  • Eva

    Mary, if you publish your own cook book, I’d buy it! Especially if it’s an e-book!!

    • Mary

      Thanks, Eva! That’s nice to hear. Sign up for the newsletter or blog updates if you haven’t already. I am planning something 😉

      • Eva

        Will do! And Happy New Year!

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