
Will It Yogurt?

Welcome to my new series: Will It Yogurt?! Over the next few weeks, we (I mean you and me) will use traditional methods of making yogurt and apply them to non-traditional plant-based ingredients. Let’s answer questions like:

  1. What are the different ways to make yogurt traditionally?
  2. What makes vegan yogurt different from dairy yogurt? What are the technical details we’ll need to pay attention to?
  3. Can all beans, nuts, seeds or grains be used to make yogurt? Or are only a few worth making?
  4. What nutritional value can we expect from vegan yogurt?
  5.  And even more importantly, can we save money by making vegan yogurt at home? Is homemade plant-based yogurt cheaper?

If you have more questions, please leave them in the comments ASAP so I can answer or find out for you. Bookmark this page if you’re into it because I’ll update it as we try more ingredients and find more results! And if you decide to make-along at home, please take pictures and tag me on Instagram @marystestkitchen with #WillitTofu.

Episode 1: Soy Yogurt – Store-Bought Soymilk VS Homemade from Soybeans

Episode 2: Pumpkin Seed Yogurt (plain vs with oats, chia, flax + more)

Episode 3: Peanuts (Raw VS Roasted!)

Showing 8 comments
  • Carol Cunningham

    How come you don’t need prebiotics and sugar to make yogurt with soy milk like you do with coconut milk? I use l. Rueteri to make yogurt using half and half cow’s milk. I use inulin as a prebiotics and fermet for 36 hours at 100 degrees F. Could I do the same with soy milk?

  • Mary

    Hi Carol,
    Thanks for the questions. I’ve made l.Reuteri yogurt in the same way as you but using all coconut milk and it works well.
    There are no added prebiotics needed for the soymilk yogurt because it already has sufficient carbs (in contrast to coconut milk).

  • Bob

    Is there a way to get a printed copy of your recipes?

    • Mary

      Hi sorry Bob, I haven’t written up recipes for any of the “will it yogurt” experiments. Since they are really just experiments. For recipes, I test them a number of times with variations just to be super sure it will work for you at home. You’ll find the printable recipes (if available) at the bottom of each recipe post.
      Hope that helps!

  • Mikaela

    Hey Mary!
    I’ve been a youtube fan for a long time, but I wanted to share what happened when I decided to ask “will green peas yogurt?”
    I blended and strained 1cp soaked green peas with 2 cps water. I didn’t know if I was supposed to use the starch that was left at the bottom of the milk bowl, so I basically kept half with the milk and the other half I added to the rest of my green pea starch/pulp stuff to make a (delicious!) green pea bread.
    After boiling and thickening the milk, I set it in a clean glass bowl and left it for 12 hours.
    It tastes like a CHEESE SPREAD! XD
    I cut it in half and tried to get one have to have more of a yogurt-y flavor, with some vanilla and cinnamon, but I don’t think I quite got there, but the regular cheese spread half was surprising and I’m not sure if I did it wrong or if maybe green pea is just an ingredient that can’t yogurt? Maybe it’s only able to be a savory base. I was curious if you’ve had any other types of experiments with green peas (other than tofu). The loaf I made with the pulp had a nice mild flavor, which again, I think would work better with garlicy-savory flavors.
    I also don’t know if I should keep the starch next time I try to yogurt something or if I should remove it. Any advice on that?

    I so appreciate how thorough you are with your experiments and that you deconstruct each of the various elements that made up the ingredient you are exploring that day.

    Thank you if you read this, and even more if you respond!
    I hope 2024 is treating you well so far.

    • Mary

      Hi Mikaela! How wonderful that you dove into your own “will it yogurt”!
      I haven’t tried with green peas yet. But when I do, I would probably try splitting the milk into two batches to try one with all the visible starch removed and one included.

      Regular milk does contain some sugar and it is food for the probiotics. So I think keeping some of the starch in would help the souring process. Just a guess though 🙂

      Hope that helps. Happy new year!

  • Robert

    Hi Mary!

    Quick question for you. I tried making yogurt out of home made soy milk but the yogurt turned out really firm, almost as firm as tofu. And only after 6 hours at 106 F.

    Do you have any idea why it did turn out that way? Ever happened to you?

    Thank you in advance 🙂

    • Mary

      Hi Robert,
      It’s not happened to me (yet, haha). But I suspect you’ll just need a little water to loosen things up. I don’t see it as a problem as long as it tastes okay 🙂

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hemp hearts and container of cubed hemp heart tofuthick strained homemade vegan peanut yogurt